Switch on Autopilot mode

Discover how InternetTV can automate your content delivery and
skyrocket your reach, no matter who you are.

Online News

Running your own news channel is an amazing feat but it can be hard to keep on top of EVERYTHING. Lighten your workload by scheduling programs based on the viewership, so you can speak directly to your prime audience.

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Travel Channel

InternetTV allows you to add subtitles and audio in more than 150 languages so that you are not limited to a particular geography and you can also enable geo-restriction so that you can ensure your Paris travel show is viewed only in France to better cater to your audience.

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Game Streamer

Stream your game nights and interact with your viewers without any hiccups with us. Build your own customised channel and live stream your quests and game play! Upload your old content on the media library so there’s always more to watch.

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Worry no more about sharing your cut with mainstream social media platforms. Keep your monetary gains with yourself, for life. Broadcast your content 24/7 and collect all 100% of your advertising and subscription revenues with us!

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Large media organisation

Sitting on a treasure trove of content? Take advantage of Revidd’s lightning quick upload speeds and FTP support to host your content with us. Real-time transcoding and water-tight security helps you stream your channel seamlessly.

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Experience the ease in launching your own online TV channel by yourself

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