How pandemic changed the way we perceive content online


In the past century, we've seen deadly diseases like SARS, H1N1, Ebola, and Zika. We all know what it's like to worry about an outbreak of a new disease. The idea of having to keep ourselves away from others because we don't want them to get sick or die somehow seems far-fetched. But even before these big waves of viruses came along, people were already changing their behaviour online. They were becoming more comfortable with sharing content online, for better or for worse!


Before the pandemic

Before the pandemic, the content was mostly professional. The people who created it were usually trying to sell you something or make themselves look good. Now, when you look at your social media feed, it's full of posts that are more likely to be personal than professional—and they're shared by people who don't have PR firms behind them! Before the pandemic, there were few opportunities for ordinary people to share their content online. 

Getting into video was easy.

You could make a video with your phone.

You could share it online.

There were no rules about what you could do or say in a video, so long as it was entertaining enough for people to watch for more than two minutes (the standard length of most YouTube videos). And if you wanted to go further and create something that would be seen by millions or even billions of viewers—like the pandemic itself did—you didn't need any money at all! All you needed was a little imagination and determination.

Video had a huge impact on our lives, but it was also a way to connect and express creativity.

Video was a way to connect and express creativity. The video content you see on social media is just one example of how we used this medium to communicate with one another during this time. We could share stories about our lives and talk about our hopes. We could tell stories about our lives, discuss our future hopes and fears (and even get advice), all while feeling like we were having an authentic conversation with someone who understood us better than anyone else—even if they weren't physically present! Feeling more connected than ever before.

Similarly, the spaces feature offered on Revidd brings more people together to share and interact on ideas, regardless of location. 

But even before the pandemic, the content was changing.

But even before the pandemic, the content was changing. Social media was becoming more popular, and people were sharing their lives online. Content was no longer passive; it was interactive and sought to connect people through creativity and expression. The internet has also become a place for business as well as expression, creativity, and fun. 

Add to all the fun and leave behind the fear of missing out by joining Revidd and keeping on track with the events happening around the world and latest shows being released.

People were more comfortable sharing online thanks to social networks and YouTube.

Social networks and YouTube have made sharing your thoughts and opinions easier than ever before. You can now easily connect with people who share similar interests or just want to know what you’re up to without having to wait for a response from them in real time.

People are comfortable sharing their personal information online, too—as long as they feel safe doing so! In fact, some studies show that people are more willing than ever before to give away personal details of their lives (like job titles) on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter because they feel safe doing so there; this may be due in part because these sites have become commonplace features within our daily lives now that smartphones are everywhere we go (including in airports). 

People saw YouTube as an opportunity to express themselves freely.

People had been sharing their opinions freely online for years, but the pandemic changed that. YouTube was a new way for people to express themselves, and it became an opportunity for them to share their opinions on whatever topic they wanted.

For example, if you live in California and want a little peace from the virus-infested area, you might scroll through your newsfeeds on Instagram or stumble upon one of those "This Week in Politics'' videos pinned by a news anchor who specializes in covering politics (or maybe you just want to keep up with what's happening). If you live somewhere else, well, you could probably guess where I'm going with this one!

With the Live feature offered on Revidd, deliver the ideal live performance to your audience and also view live streams happening elsewhere in the world. 

Advertisers also sought to place their products in viral videos, creating revenue streams for new businesses on the internet.

The internet has become central to how we consume content and make purchases. In addition to being a platform for delivering news and information, it’s also become a place where brands can reach consumers directly.

This shift in advertising—from traditional television ads to digital videos—has helped YouTube grow into a $100 billion company. In fact, 2016 was the first year that YouTube received more money from advertisers than Facebook did! Ads on YouTube were so successful because they were able to effectively target specific demographics (for example, young women) through video titles and descriptions that teased viewers with what was coming up next. 

The influence of advertising on the content we consume will increase significantly in the coming years.

You may have noticed a change in the way content is being produced, distributed, and consumed. The influence of advertising on the content we consume will increase significantly in the coming years as advertisers seek to target consumers more effectively.

  • Content will be more targeted. As we've seen with pandemics, marketing channels are being used to help spread messages about products and services that people need or want. This can include specific language within ads (e.g., "This product is not for you") or even physical locations where ads can be placed near specific people who need them most (e.g., hospitals).
  • Content will be more immersive: Consumers expect their experiences online to feel like real life rather than just another screen—and they're willing to pay for this type of entertainment experience by paying higher subscription fees or buying premium versions of certain apps/websites which offer enhanced experiences over standard versions available elsewhere online."


It’s hard to imagine how we’d live today without the influence of advertising. But one thing is clear: as technology evolves and our lives become more digitized, content is going to play an increasingly important role in our lives. And that means the lines between advertising and entertainment will blur even further. This is where we come in, here at Revidd. We saw this as an opportunity to make this transition easier for you. Revidd is an online streaming platform built for creators, fans, and businesses. We help you engage with your audience in a new and innovative way. Check the recent blog to familiarize yourself with all the services we offer here: